Laguna Street Public School

Pursuing excellence in a hidden sanctuary

Telephone02 9524 3752


The canteen is the hub of the Laguna Street School community. Erin Lalor is our Canteen Manager and together with her canteen assistants, Renee Johanson and Shelly Johnston as well as a band of parent volunteers, ensure the canteen's success.



Hours of operation

The canteen is open Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Recess items can be purchased via lunch orders or over the counter either before the 9:20am morning bell or at lunchtime.

About our menu

The majority of our menu is cooked onsite in our canteen. We do our best to provide students with fresh, healthy, nutritious, fun, affordable and yummy food options. Our menu is approved by the NSW Healthy Canteen Strategy. To meet the criteria our menu needs to:

• 75% of menu items must be classified as “everyday” food and drink options

• All food and drink must have a health star of at least 3.5 stars or above

• Meet recommended portion sizes and not exceed these limits

Lunch orders

Our canteen service uses Flexischools online ordering system for all lunch orders. Simply download the Flexischools app on your smart phone. The entire menu is available online and includes hot food, sandwiches and wraps, fruit, snacks, drinks and ice blocks.

All orders must be placed before 8:30am each day. Many families set up weekly or monthly reccurring orders which is simple to do. Lunch order baskets are collected by class representatives each day and taken to the classroom.

To learn more about Flexischools, please visit

Iceblock Ticket System

Tickets for iceblocks can be purchased over the counter before the 9:20am bell and exchanged for an ice block at lunchtime. We find this is an easier system, particularly for our younger students. It is a good idea to place these in their lunchbox where they are able to easily find them when it’s time to visit the canteen. Ice block tickets can also be purchased in lunch orders and will be provided to your child in their order to return and redeem.

We need you!

The canteen cannot operate without the help of our parent volunteers. If you have 3 hours once a month to spare between 9am and 12pm we would love your support. We also understand that some parents are not able to commit to a day every month but if you would still like to assist when you can, we’d love you to join our standby list to be contacted when one of our monthly volunteers are not able to attend on their day. Please see us in the canteen or email us at any time for more information.

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