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P&C payments and cash handling policy procedure
The Laguna Street Public School parents and citizens' association (P&C) collects money from the school community for a number of activities and fund raising events. This policy details the methods of payments and the cash handling procedures for P&C income, which is to be followed by all P&C and K-6 club coordinators.
Payment methods
Payments to the P&C are to be made via the canteen during canteen operating hours. Payments can be made by cheque or cash, and must be in sealed envelopes with the details of the payment clearly marked on the envelope. All payments will be collected by the designated P&C or K-6 co-coordinator and will then be processed accordingly. The canteen is issued with a P&C and K-6 Club authorised co-ordinator list that specifies who is authorised to collect P&C and K-6 funds from the canteen. Persons not included on the list cannot collect any money, and the authorised list is issued and altered only by authority of the P&C treasurer.
Canteen staff and volunteers are not permitted to hold any payments nor open any payment envelopes. As such, change cannot be provided by the canteen for any sealed envelopes. Envelopes are opened only by the designated P&C or K-6 coordinator. The preferred payment method is by cheque and cash payments should be for the correct amount wherever possible. Any change that is required will be returned at a later date by the designated P&C or K-6 coordinator.
Payments for raffle tickets must include the raffle tickets with names clearly written on all tickets. Any raffle tickets that can't be identified will not be included in the raffle.
As there are different P&C and K-6 coordinators for the varying activities and fund raising, payments for different activities and fund raising events should be provided to the canteen in different envelopes.
Payments cannot be made at the School office, nor can the School office provide change.
Committee of management